One day i was going for a walk in south asia in the forist than a snake comes out but not any snake it was a King cobra i was looking for one my hole life and o found one so i try to get it but it keept trying to bite me and i grabed a strike and try to get hime again and i did but i needed to get something to put him in.
Soon that day i called my friend to come and help me and i siad to them to get a box to get the cobra in when they got there they helped me get the cobra in the box then we got the cobra in we went to go and put it in the car then we went home.
On the way home the snake got out and we keept looking back then we saw the snake get out so we stopped but we were too late the King cobra got away so we went back to look for it.
So we got out and went to go and look for it then we saw three of them and they were really big so then we had to call somone that could get all three so we called my friend that knew how to get King cobras.
Later that day he got here so we went back to get him and show him were they are when we showed him he was like they are small because he had gottin bigger cobras and they were 18 feet so once he had them he put them in a really good place to put them so they won't get away.
After we got home we had a snake place to put him because we wanted to have one but he siad no because they can kill someone if you get to close so he had to take him to kill because if people see you with it then they will call people to come and kill him
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