Thursday 24 September 2020

Writing task


One day I went out with my friends and we wanted to go to the Bermuda triangle because we wanted to go and find out what was going on so we went to sleep and waited it out for one day. The next day we went out to go and get our boat so we set off and went to get it but on the way there we saw some wood that was sitting on the grund so we stopped and went to go and pick it up. Once we got there we went state there to hop on the boat so we could get out there and see what was going on there soon later that day i where coles so we let the boat ride us there soon we got there and we saw a really big hole so went to closer and saw that it went dwno dwno dwno. BUT THEN when we were getting sucked in we try to get out but there was no way but to swim away so we jampped off the boat and swam away but one of our friend swam away and some people helped us get back.

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